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5 steps for teams to ascertain relevant measures from the organisation’s critical success factors

5 steps for teams to ascertain relevant measures from the organisation’s critical success factors
This task is best undertaken in a two-day workshop.
Step 1: Train attendees to derive measures from the CSFs
When designing measures, you need a very structured process. You begin with the CSF that will be the easiest to measure, and then you ask […]

By |May 25th, 2020|Comments Off on 5 steps for teams to ascertain relevant measures from the organisation’s critical success factors

The 11 rules for designing meaningful measures

The 11 rules for designing meaningful measures
There are a number of rules to follow when designing measures.

Source: Extracted from Key Performance Indicators – developing, implementing and using winning KPIs (4th Edition)

1.     Understand the difference between Result and Performance Indicators
If you can phone a manager and they accept the responsibility for a measure, it is a Performance […]

By |May 25th, 2020|Comments Off on The 11 rules for designing meaningful measures

An overview of how to generate KPIs for your organisation (a three-stage process)

 Exhibit from David Parmenter’s Key Performance Indicators (4th Edition) 

An overview of how to generate KPIs for your organisation (a three-stage process)
By David Parmenter


Many organizations that have operated with key performance indicators (KPIs) have found the KPIs made little or no difference to performance. In many cases this was due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the issues.

Organizations […]

By |May 25th, 2020|Comments Off on An overview of how to generate KPIs for your organisation (a three-stage process)

5 KPIs to avoid

5 KPIs to avoid and why every measure has a dark side
By David Parmenter

Measuring sales staff against a predetermined gross revenue target. Sales staff are legendary at meeting their targets at the expense of the company, offering discounts, extended payment terms, selling to customers who will never pay; you name it, they will do […]

By |May 21st, 2020|Comments Off on 5 KPIs to avoid

15 smart KPIs that that you can use

15 smart KPIs that that you can use
By David Parmenter

This information has been extracted from David Parmenter’s Key Performance Indicators (4th Edition) which is the highest rated KPI book on Amazon.
First lets define what a KPI is
Well, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is an indicator that focuses on the aspects of organizational performance that are the most critical […]

By |May 20th, 2020|Comments Off on 15 smart KPIs that that you can use

The four types of performance measures

From my research over the past 30 years I have come to the conclusion that there are four types of performance measures, and thus it is a myth to consider all measures as KPIs. These four measures are in two groups: result indicators and performance indicators.

I use the term result indicators to reflect the fact […]

By |May 20th, 2020|Comments Off on The four types of performance measures

3 common confusions on what KPIs are

3 common confusions on what KPIs are
By David Parmenter

The 2018 MIT Sloan Management Review and Google’s cross-industry survey*  asked senior executives to explain how they and their organizations are using KPIs in the digital era. It is probably the largest survey on this topic with more than 3,200 senior executives providing feedback and supported by […]

By |May 20th, 2020|Comments Off on 3 common confusions on what KPIs are

Free Media for KPI Book Owners – Fourth Edition

Thank you for purchasing my book. I have provided a PDF of templates to be read and used in conjunction with this book.

If you have purchased this book, you can download the web based toolkit.  The process is as follows, Click here and submit your contact details and you will have access to a download […]

By |November 26th, 2019|Comments Off on Free Media for KPI Book Owners – Fourth Edition

Ten KPI Project Implementation Lessons

Ten KPI Project Implementation Lessons
Kaplan and Norton, in their ground-breaking book The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action,1 indicated that 16 weeks is sufficient time
to establish a working balanced scorecard with key performance indicators (KPIs). However, organizations of all sizes and complexity stumble with this
process, and 16 weeks easily turns into 16 months. The key to success […]

By |November 19th, 2019|articles|0 Comments

The Ten Rules for Designing KPIs

The Ten Rules for Designing KPIs
There are a number of rules to follow when designing measures.
Source: Extracted from Key Performance Indicators – developing, implementing and using winning KPIs (4th Edition)
There are a number of rules to follow when designing measures.

1.     Understand the difference between Result and Performance Indicators
If you can phone a manager and they accept […]

By |November 19th, 2019|articles|0 Comments